Bylaws Admendment

Dear Manoa PTO Member,

We as the Executive Board of the Manoa Parent Teacher Organization are proposing an amendment to Article V; Section 5 in our Constitution and By-Laws. This amendment will permit the board to operate at full strength year round.

Why? Fewer people are being nominated or coming forward each election to fill board positions. This causes too much undue stress on the other board members and anyone coming on board late into the year.

When? Before the call for nominations goes out, we are sending our intention to members by March 1st. We will hold a vote at the March 21st, 7:00 pm general PTO meeting.

What? This is the current Article V; Section 5:
“No elected officer shall hold the same office for more than two consecutive years.”
Proposed amendment to be added:
“In the event an elected officer has served two consecutive years and there are zero nominations, the exiting officer may be invited by the remaining Executive Board members to stay in the same position until such time as someone else is voted into the position.”

You can find a complete copy of the by-laws on our website.

Our next PTO meeting will be March 21st at 7:00 pm in Manoa’s Library. We hope to see you there.

Your PTO Executive Board
Tobie Stallings, President
Iain McClements, Vice President
Betsy Berkey, Recording Secretary
Alexis Pasternak, Corresponding Secretary Alex McClearn, Treasurer